
I left for work early this morning, hoping to get done early, but that didn't happen. I had 5 sidewinders to work on today, that is the equivalent of 10 feet of counter space and it was all cosmetics. If all of them had taken the recommended time it would have been 6.5 hours. It took me 8 hours. One brand, it seems all the stores hat putting stock on that fixture, so they only do the bare minimum to keep it stocked and tidy.

I put the feeders out this morning, then went upstairs to get dressed. The warblers and the flicker showed up while I was upstairs, then they were gone by the time I came down. I assume they were around off and on throughout the day. Judging by the amount of food left in the feeder I don't think the squirrel was around very much.

It was partly sunny and mild today and it is supposed to be the same tomorrow and Wednesday. And I am stuck inside all day for both days.

I am going to see how things are going next year, but I am going to have to tell them that I will work 3 days at the most. This week I have to work every day. Not unless I do a 10 hour day on Thursday and I really don't want to do that.

I spent over an hour and a half on the phone tonight with a friend. She saw the post I put on FB last night about being lonely and wondering why it is so hard to find people to do things with. M stays home all the time now, other than to go to a doctor's appointment, she used curbside pickup for her groceries. She has some health issues so can't get out and do things now. She does agree with me that I should stay away from the group that had all the drama. None of them were particularly friendly anyways. And she said that it was rude of the group I was supposed to go walking with yesterday not to make sure that everyone stayed together. The organizer should have made sure that everyone was able to stay together. She apologized in the group chat, but not one of the others said anything.

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