Home again

Breakfast in the hotel, packing and heading to the bus station took up most of the morning. We were lucky enough to be in time for the slightly earlier bus than the one we had booked so were back in Edinburgh by 1. Had an interesting conversation with a lady in the queue for the bus. She had narrated a piece on the festival last night. A quick search on Google furnished the information that she was Dolina MacLennan, a celebrated Gaelic speaker, author and actor. She was really lovely to chat with.

surprisingly we were peckish so had lunch in town before getting the bus back to the house. One load of washing done and it was time to collect Phin. He seemed pleased to see us and had behaved well on his holidays.

I’ve enjoyed a lovely bath this evening and am heading to bed shortly as I really need an early night!

Thanks to steveng for hosting MonoMonday. Two of my favourite books that I go back to again and again. Discovered Alexi Panshin as a teenager and my first foray into science fiction sparked a lifelong interest. The Bonr People was a later discovery and I really enjoy the descriptive language used by the author,

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