
Some lovely old cherry blossom trees in a nearby green patch lost major limbs in the wind last night.  A bit of a shame as they are very attractive, and these days trees that come down don't seem to get replaced.  Hopefully what is left is sound and will recover.

No damage to speak of here.  We lost a trim off the front of the roof - so I'll need to get a ladder out to replace that at some point.  We also had one plant pot blown over (no damage to plant) and the bins moved around and one went over and some stuff spilled out but that was easily resolved.

We seem to get lots of weather warnings that come to nothing these days so I didn't pay much attention, then when the wind really did start to get up I ended up lowering the HF wire antenna in the dark and rain.  Not sure it was going to come to any harm, but I have it on a pulley to make lowering it easy so might as well err on the side of caution.

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