
I decided to pack away most of my Myth and Magic ornaments, keeping out just six of my favourite pieces. They all needed cleaning before either going in the box or back on the shelves - they were very dusty, and as they are all quite textured and intricate they took a long time to clean. I used an old eye-shadow brush to get into the nooks and crannies. 

Because that took up most of my day there is a picture of a Myth and Magic as an extra. 

Another issue with them is the weight! They are very heavy! I wrapped them in newspaper or bubble wrap and managed to fit them all into the box the new kettle came in but it was too heavy to even lift. This made me concerned that they mac crash through the ceiling from the loft! So I put them into a larger box that cat food was delivered in Still as heavy of course, just spread over a bigger area! 

I could still not lift it! Brian struggled with it too and said he would not dare try to climb a ladder and hoist it over his head into the loft. So now we will try to acquire a couple of smaller boxes and split them

Otherwise we have done a Tesco shop! I walked the long way to get Fitbit steps and took this shot on the way.

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