The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Isha Windy Day

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

The Prince and I took Murphy for a walk at Cramond today where Murphy mainly ate seaweed. Loads and loads of it. I was groaning at the thought of picking that up post digestion.

Smashley is in Edinburgh for a few days so we went out to Mother India for dinner and then headed a block away to The Brass Monkey. “One block”, I hear you say, “that’s not far”. Except we were almost blown off the pavement by Storm Isha. It was wild - gusts of over 60 mph with a ‘danger to life warning’ issued by the Met Office.

But we battled on and made it to the pub…for shelter obviously. To stay safe and hydrated!


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