
By JanetH

Follow my leader

Today felt a bit odd. I had an early start and then I've been alternating between housework and trying to sort out my Israel pictures - deleting, cropping, levels, contrast, naming. It's a big task and I'm only at the end of day two! I've deleted quite a lot but by cropping I have also created one or two good ones out of average pictures. I want to get them sorted and named before I forget where they all were! I am itching to get started on producing some resources from them but this task needs doing first.

It has also been very cold today! Less than half the temperature I have been used to and I'm feeling it. By mid-afternoon I needed some fresh air but it wasn't very inviting. I decided to spend an hour at Martin Mere. The ducks seemed to think it was cold too and were hiding away, but I did spend a bit of time watching this little family play follow my leader. UPDATE - I think they are Shelducks.

Last week I won a weekly challenge and therefore had to set the next theme. I decided on "openings" because I had in mind sun shining through doorways etc. I forgot I wouldn't really have time to find anything like this, especially as the sun has gone in. I've just spent half an hour experimenting with various indoor openings, one of these will have to do unless I catch something on Wednesday and have internet access.

One day to go until the next mini adventure - I'll need my passport again! I won't know whether I'm coming or going soon ... but I'm not complaining!!!

Big Adventure Day Seventeen - Martin Mere + processing
Photos 169/2465

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