Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Midgie Monday

Now anyone who lives in Scotland, will probably realise that at this time of year, being within a few hundred metres of a loch means only one thing: giant swarms of midgies (those tiny little biting flies). We had been warned about them before we went up so there was lots of midgie spray kicking around. Everyone else had nasty smelling, chemical laden sprays full of DEET (which by the way, melts and warps plastic so what must it do to your skin?), I had my trusty bottle of natural spray made by a lovely lady in Cumbria. I felt more than a little bit smug when I saw everyone's midgie bites on Monday (some had more than 50 to 100) I on the other hand, had remained bite free.

After goodbyes had been said, we made our journey home the scenic way. I'd planned on blipping a passing places sign as I have a lovely quote from a play about Zen and the art of passing places, but unfortunately our route took us through roads where it was assumed people knew what those odd little lay-bys were for. We visited the remains of some stone circles and burial cairns, lunched in Lochgilphead, realised the "bonnie, bonnie banks of loch lomond" look pretty much like any other loch banks and ate ice cream at Alexandria and managed to avoid the rush hour traffic as we passed through Glasgow.

Got home to a nice take away and a long hot soak in the bath before some much needed sleep.

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