Dipper on the Carron

Andrew and I took a stroll up the Carron Glen this morning. The "Glen" is full of large mature trees, oak, ash, beech, chestnut, thorn,and hazel to name but a few. And of course, those trees are choc-full of birds feeding on the bugs which are feeding on the trees. We saw tits galore, chaffinch, woodpecker, heron and fly-catchers and also heard but did not see a kingfisher. A pair of buzzards, possibly attracted by our presence, wheeled overhead, mewing like a couple of demented moggies.
My arthritic hip is now giving me a hard time but that is what paracetemol is for!
Off out this evening so, if I don't comment , I will try to catch up with you all soon.
Hope you have had a good weekend.

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