Fingers crossed

Grotty night last night, but we expected it.
Both broken this morning but crawled out of bed to do breakfast.
Charlotte went back to sleep quite quickly after this and had a 2 1/4 hour sleep which seemed to help.
Headed out to do chores (but nappies and Calpol, somehow spent £25 doing so in morrisons) heard home for quick play before heading out to lunch.
Lunch was good, very quiet, good food, good company.
Charlotte slept on the way home, I managed to carry her up to her room and into her cot without her stirring. We both then slept for 40 minutes.
Played outside!
Charlotte ate the cone of a mini cornetto!
Still clingy, tearful, but glimmers of the Charlotte we know.

Fingers crossed she will be ok tomorrow at nursery. I plan to pick her up as soon as school is over to come home and play.

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