More fun with decluttering

A chance find, in among the clutter: some French postcards with anti-war cartoons dating back to the 1970s. 
They date back to the 'Fight for the Larzac' movement (1971-81), a non-violent campaign against the proposed creation of a large military base on the Larzac plateau. The campaign gradually brought together an alliance of farmers and farm workers, students, trade unionists and others, and after a decade it was eventually successful.  It also came to stand for wider values, about peaceful direct action and about collective endeavours.
 I first learned about all this while volunteering as a children's playscheme worker for a large charity in northern France in 1971-2, just as the campaign was taking off. I was 18, and my eyes were opened to all kinds of new possibilities. There's some detailed info here, for anyone who'd like to delve into the history:

It's good to remember that sometimes there are victories...

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