I didn’t look at the weather forecast but knew that most of the country has an amber weather warning for wind and a yellow one for rain.

It was dry when I took the bird food out so thought I might be able to beat the rain with an early walk. By the time I got ready and to the car it was raining. I keep an umbrella in the car so drove to Grasmere and parked in the big lay-by intending to walk the loop around the village.

First problem after a short distance and stopping for this shot was a low camera battery warning (I’d left the spare in the car). A few shots later a gust of wind caught the umbrella and I worried that it was either going to blow inside out or that I would take off with it. Without the umbrella the camera would get wet. I’m sure it wasn’t windy when I put it up. I took the easy option and went home.

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