
I have started to have a bit of a clear out and this has included looking at the jewellery I have.  

I took these bits to a local jewellery shop to see what they would pay for them, rather than sell them on eBay.  The price was good and I decided to sell them. I have some other bits I am going to put on eBay and the shop helped me size a few rings I had.

Before going to the shop, I had a bit of a discussion with Rich about should I be selling these bits.  They are mine and I have had them for years but they sit in a box, I never wear them and do not really look at the.  I have other things that I much prefer now days and which Rich has given me.

While they have some memories I cannot always remember who gave what to me... so what is the point in keeping them? I decided to let them go and if I fancy I can use the money to buy myself something nice.  

I have been feeling more and more that we have quite a bit of 'stuff' so probably will not worry about getting myself anything and do feel having a good clear out is refreshing.  Lots more to review and sort out but it is a start.

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