i am fearfully…



abba himself

i don’t know about you - but even now - in my older years - i can be overcome - with bouts of insecurity - about who i am - how i come across - to others and if it’s - favorable or not - or if i will be accepted - with all my - idiosyncrasies and what not - on and on it goes - certainly some of you - can relate to this - being a christ follower - is unique because i can - turn to scripture and be - very encouraged since it’s - the word of my - abba father speaking directly - to me enlightening my heart - and whispering words - of deliberate comfort - just like this

‘i praise you, for i am fearfully and wonderfully made. wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.’ psalm 139:14 (esv)

knowing i am his, - wonderfully made and created - by him are words - of comfort to my - soul which quiet - the chatter in my head - and help to lead to…


happy day…..

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