Another hospital

Took F out to St Johns for his op, so different from when he was a kid wasn't allowed to stay with him, which at 25 you'd think he'd be fine. Popped down to the shopping centre but not much interest, so back at the hospital before he'd gone in for surgery.
Ended up twice as long as they had said surgery would be, so a bit stressful wait. Kept Kathryn and friends up to date and called mum's ward for them to pass on a message once he was out. Unfortunately she'd not had a great day with the occupational therapist.
Eventually after moving F to another ward as day surgery ward was closing it was decided to keep him in. Hadn't met any of their criteria for going home and I did left them know it was a 50 min drive. Plus F wanted to stay. 
A long and stressful day, things can only get better.

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