Thawing (Day 3176)

Late last night my beautiful wife went on a bit of an adventure. A trip to town to meet the ferry which had come up from Aberdeen bringing us a new (to us) vehicle. At near enough 18 years old, it isnt anything like new, but with only 35000 miles on it it feels pretty new. It is another big chunky 4x4 and will be ideal for dragging the horse box around and doing all the other stuff we use the current truck for.
This morning, after a slightly later start than normal, my beautiful wife headed to Stromness to drop Sigyn in with Mum and Dad before we went to the horses. Hay and buckets of feed were distributed, then we set about dismantling the electric fence ready to move it to a new field. Back to Mum and Dad's for a late lunch then I left HV to get on with sorting out the fence in the new field while I took Sigyn a walk along the shore. The majority of the snow has melted today which has made moving around a whole lot easier. By the time Sigyn and I were back at the field HV was finished what she had wanted to get done and we made our way back to Mum and Dad's for coffee and a blether.
We will get the horses moved tomorrow, fingers crossed.

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