
Thanks to everyone who visit my journal and leaves stars and hearts and comments
Prayer breakfast this morning which is now called Encounter. Cannot get used to that name. It was about the leprosy mission. Very informative. The theme was being visible. As an aid memoir we were all given a small compact which was a mirror to remind us when we looked at it that we are not invisible. That can apply to many things not just if you have leorosy .
My soup went very quickly again today - in the first 45 minutes. I picked up loads of mushrooms which I blanched ready for the chicken pie which I will make on Monday for the cafe. Once home went out for a coffee but ended up having lunch with stella and Alan and we were joined by J and C who came in for a coffee.
Feet up now having made a couple of lemon loaves with the catering mix I was given. It is a Mcdougaks plain cake mix. So easy to use

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