Plus ça change...

By SooB

Life in a small town

All-day basketball tournaments cease being fun when all the matches you have any interest in have finished. Particularly since CarbBoy is at a birthday party, TallGirl is involved in a very energetic water fight with her teammates and Mr B has gone home to call his folks. Even more particularly since I didn't bring my book as I knew I'd have Mr B for company today.

So now I'm stuck with super-slow 3G reception, watching as the guy with the only fancy car in town takes little boys for a spin around the carpark. I'm sure someone will be along soon to tell me what car it is (a Porsche? I can't see the writing from here and if I try and stand up my hip will makes that alarming creaky noise that makes my face go a funny shape.) So I will just sit here on the kerb until weight of people-movement tells me it's time for the presentation of cups and things. I think TallGirl's team might have won, but it's a confusing points system so I could be wrong.

There may be more later, but given that a Mr B curry and the last beer in the house are to come, I wouldn't bet on it.

Small later bit: the girls did win, as did the first team in their contest. As did the two Lavaur U13 boys teams - a clean sweep! (Though in the older groups it was a male clean sweep for the Carmaux boys/giants.)

As a footnote about the Porsche, Mr B saw it hooning up and down the main road out of town (50km/h zone) at warp speed. And as we left town (with it flashing by in the other direction) we spotted a big police van heading his way. Oops.

And another footnote for my future benefit: A thorough search of TallGirl's hair revealed nothing of note. As I said to her that maybe they were just insects that fell out of a tree she commented that she had been crawling through bushes and seen lots of small insects... Panic over.

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