Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Welcome To The Family

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Crashy has been a big part of our lives for a while now. He is, after all, best mates with DG and follows her around. 

Consequently, he's now here MORE than DG. And he's such a lovable big boof of an orangey cat. Despite my initial reservations about learning to love another orange cat after our beloved Dave died, I just couldn't help but fall in love with Crashy too. 

He's such a goof. He's a lot like Dave in many ways, he claps the air with his paws when he sees you carrying food he likes (just like Dave did) and he claws his way around the couch, just like our lovely little Dave. 

But he's different too. He's definitely more affectionate and nervy. His ears are always going in different directions and he bloops and blorps and oohs and mmms with insecure noises until you reassure him with cuddles and/or food. Definitely food.

DG isn't the only reason he's always here. His family have also acquired a large dog and the nervy little chap doesn't care for this. Our home is quiet and comfortable and we have food and cat toys. 

His real mum texted Caro yesterday. With the dog (and associated doggy expenses) she's worried she can't take care of Crashy like she needs to. She has noted he's here with DG more often than not and asked if we would take him on as well. 

Caro felt sad. She knows how much everyone loves Crashy. She said of course we'll take on the food and the vet bills, but we're happy to share Crashy with his old family. 

But it puts our minds to rest that if anything happens to little guy, we can take him to our vet. I'll get him insured and we can make sure he has a nice safe, happy home. 

Crashy is oblivious to all of this of course. Crashy loves everyone and is happy just to wind around our legs, breeping and purring and letting everyone know how delighted he is with life. 

It feels right that he becomes part of the family. Maybe not to Punky, but to the rest of us. 


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