
Which to read first. One due back in 2 weeks and one in 3 weeks. I love Michael Connelly's Micky Haller but I really like Ann Cleeves Mathew Venn have read the first 2 in that series, but M. Connellys is due back first so better get my skates on.

Well drama today, first we couldn't get into the car at all the doors were just frosted solid so gave it up and walked the dog locally round the streets.

Then at lunchtime, I saw the post van over the road and suddenly the post lad waving frantically at me through the window, so I went to see what he wanted and he said did I know the mobile number of the chap who lived in the house over the road, because he had gone to deliver a parcel and there was no one in but the outside tap was pouring water into the garden  (By the looks of it the frost had burst it) but I didn't know it, and he had already  been to some houses so off he went to other houses. Then one of the neighbours came up and I went over, soon there was a gathering of neighbours.
 The gate was locked so the lad climbed over and was trying to bail out the water someone rang the fire brigade but they said they would send someone when available but it wasn't something they normally deal with, I rang the water board but they don't deal with outside taps leaking, only taps in the house, by now the poor lad bless him was ankle deep in water. so we told him to give up and come back over the gate, but we were worried if it got too high on the patio that it would get through into the house.
Anyhow it was so cold I went back into the house, and then the police arrived, (someone must have rung them) they were there for some time,  and about half an hour after they had gone Pete arrived home. I wondered if the police had been able to locate him maybe via driving licence or something. I didn't go out because I saw him turning the water stop cock off. Drama over.

Excitement over for the day. back to wondering which book to read first, anyhow Paula had already read the M. Connelly book so she decided to take the Ann Cleeves book  which definitely made my mind up.

Well those watching, what did you think of tonight's  episode of THE TRAITORS, I think they have made a big mistake in their new recruit  can't wait till next Wednesday. only 3 more episodes. 

Off to read my book goodnight, Happy Weekend

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