Welcoming Spring

Prompted by a friend’s Facebook post of the Ross Fountain, frozen in the sun against a clear blue sky, I headed to Princes Street Gardens. After several days in front of the laptop it was good to get out. And the milder forecast from now on meant the fountain would be thawing.

As my post from 25 November last year shows this is becoming, if not an annual event, a regular visit. It has become quite the tourist attraction.

By the time I got there mid-afternoon the blue skies has faded. However I had the delight of seeing this group of Chinese dancers. I spoke with one of the photographers (originally from Beijing) who said they were shooting to “Welcome Spring”. It felt a bit early for spring and it may be for the upcoming Chinese New Year.

In any event, despite the cold, they bravely smiled and danced. We have not had any snow here and at least today the temperatures rose above 0oC. As forecast the fountain was thawing!

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