campervan man

By campervan

Just needs a bit of maintenance and TLC

Most days are OK, some are good but today was wonderful.
It was cold but sunny and not windy. Early start to Morston Quay and a walk along the Norfolk Coast Path to Cley and bus back. 
The path was free from mud and the surface good for walking. Dudley was off the lead nearly all the way and made lots of new friends. It great just watching him running and chasing and being chased by other dogs. They all had a whale of a time.
Stopped off part way along  at a bakery in Blakeney for coffee and a sausage and bacon brioche role. My language abilities are not sufficient to describe how good this roll was, believe me it was very nice.
Still time in the afternoon for several games of Rummikub, I even won a couple. Told you it was a great day

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