
The frost finally did for the old bird bath (which was actually a terracotta saucer to go underneath a large pot) and one night all the water seeped out through the crack. 

I swiftly ordered a proper bird bath from my favourite online garden supplier, Crocus, which arrived this morning. I took it straight outside and decided to put it near the bird table rather than on the garden path by the twisted hazel tree, where the other one had been. It’s too large to be on the path, and this new location is nearer the house and will hopefully provide some good photo opportunities.

The only trouble was, the water in the water butt was frozen, as was the water in the watering can underneath the tap on the water butt. So I went indoors and filled up a litre jug with water from the kitchen tap. It wasn’t nearly enough, of course, so I went back inside to fill the jug up again. As I looked out of the window, this goldfinch had already spotted the bird bath and come to investigate. He wasn’t very impressed, though, because he couldn’t reach down far enough to get at the water!

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