Playing in the field

This morning I went for my normal morning walk, which is down to the beach for a play, and then a trot around town to see what is happening. It takes about an hour and my human was happy because it was a lovely morning and she likes walking on the beach when there's hardly anyone else there. She says there's something very relaxing about hearing the waves gently lapping on the shore.

She was feeling very fit and energised, so she told me that this afternoon she would take me over to Hayle for a run about on the dunes. Mmmmmmmm.................... best laid plans and all that?! We got back into the house, Ann went upstairs to the toilet I know, I know, far too much information and when she came back down she said, 'Trixie, I've got a really sore leg. I think I've pulled a muscle.' And she proceeded to hobble around making our breakfasts. And every time she got up from her chair her leg was really painful. How can a human pull a muscle in the back of their leg and not know how they've done it?????

I had snooze time after breakfast, but Ann had to go to work 9.30-2.30, so she walked to work very slowly, spent the next five hours on her feet, and then walked home even slower. When she came in, she said, 'Trixie, I'm really sorry, but I can't take you to the dunes. I'll take you into the field to play with your ball, but I need to have a sit down first.' She sat down for half an hour and promptly fell asleep. Obviously, I was very disappointed. I really like playing on the dunes because there's usually loads of bunnies that need chasing, but I knew that Ann must really be in pain because it was a beautiful day and she loves taking me for my walks.

Long story short........................ Ann hasn't got a clue what she's done to her leg but it's really painful. She took me to the field and I played with my ball until I'd flopped down three times and then the game was over and we came back indoors.

Ann had another snooze and I lay on the sun terrace guarding my ball. Ann is now anaestheising her leg with wine and I've gobbled up my dinner and am in my bed asleep.

…....................I really am the best little Collie pup ever!!!

PS – Oh and just because we use BLIP as a diary of our life................ Ann has been checking her bank accounts and has discovered that EDF have taken almost £350 out of her account for our electricity payment in our Edinburgh flat for December. We don't have any gas. (We send in a meter reading in on the 1st of every month and then the money comes out of our account a couple of weeks later.) Surely that can't be right? We left Edinburgh mid December, (and took a meter reading) and the only thing that is on is the freezer. A friend popped in just before New Year and took a meter reading which was only slightly more than the one Ann took when we left. Surely it can't be £350 for a couple of weeks??????????????

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