
By dogwithnobrain

Dry Your Eyes mate

Weather was a big change today 

Yesterday the car was almost.stuck shut in -7

Today maybe about 4 degrees but windy and wet 

I drove past the little primary school along from my office and not a child in sight.

Do you remember those days when you turned up for school and it was a lottery whether you got into the classroom before you began hypothermia.

Then at playtime. You hoped and prayed for a double bell; letting us know if we could stay inside or not.  

If not we'd all cram into the bike sheds hoping for a dry space.   Although being inside was almost as bad. Playtimes monitored by Primary Sevens   hell on earth. Even worse when you were a Primary Sevens and had to monitor the little ones 

Hey ho 

It Friday. And I got here. Relatively unscathed 

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