I Vow to Thee My Country.............

Strange title but it's because that speck of light beneath, and to the left, of the moon is Jupiter. I think most people will get it but just in case - it was Gustav Holst, who lived nearby in Cheltenham, England, composed The Planets suite of music, one of the most famous and wonderful collections of music of all time. In the middle of Jupiter is the tune, written by Sir Hubert Parry.
Jupiter contains the music used for the choral "I Vow to Thee my Country" which was a contender for the UK national anthem along with "Jerusalem" (And did those feet, in ancient time, walk upon Englands mountains green). Maybe one of them will, in time, replace our current national anthem but it was never going to happen while Queen Elizabeth the Second was reigning.
I've just listened to Jupiter, on YouTube, and it was then followed by this. It starts with a single Cello player, and then watch what happens. Brought a lump to my throat, so emotional.
And an information page, and lyrics, on the ClassicFM.com page
What are the lyrics to the hymn ‘Jerusalem’ and who composed it? - Classic FM
Needless to say, I used my Panasonic Lumix camera for this, not my RealMe7 phone!

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