Winning Wildcats

I took Julian to see the Wildcats tonight. It was a really exciting fast game of basketball and although the only seats we could get were restricted viewing behind the goals they were really close to the action and we could see most of it and both of us thoroughly enjoyed it! : ).
We had a big screen above us to catch anything we missed, perfect!!  
The image is taken 30 minutes before the game started and the Red Team -Wildcats, are doing some warm up practice and the crowd is still coming in.
The Wildcats won and it was all very thrilling!!! : )

My Abstract Thursday mystery was an old stool which has been living on the rooftop garden for about 25 years. It’s starting to become a real derelict and will probably get thrown out soon, not before being a good subject for Blip!!! : )

Catch up tomorrow night.

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