Table for one

As a follow on from yesterday's blip, this is Woody the wood pigeon. He's a regular visitor, usually he has a bit of a stroll around the garden before flying off elsewhere.
The modified bird table has had him stumped; it's comical to see him trying to suss out how he can get on it. He lands on the roof and tries to slide down one side and when that doesn't work he goes to ground level and eyes it from there.
He's quickly realised that if he sits on the patio table, long enough for me to see him, I'll put food out for him. He's even been known to walk up to the patio doors and peer in! Luckily the table is too close to the house for any of the other birds to brave.
My Dad used to have a similar visitor (Walter woodpigeon) who would tap on the kitchen window when he wanted dog biscuits!

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