Pinner High Street
Another very cold day (-5C) first thing.
This morning, we had to visit the funeral directors- this pair of dippy sisters managed to forget to take with us the essential "green form" from the Registrar! However, we were able to make the arrangements, and to return later with the form.
We also found a venue which we think will be suitable for the reception after the funeral, and which had a more imaginative menu. (Earlier, it had appeared almost a legal requirement to serve sausage rolls at an English wake!)
This is a photo of a quiet Thursday afternoon in Pinner High Street, where we spent more time today. It does have a number of interesting old buildings, and restaurants, but unfortunately, we were focussed on other matters.
We had a less exhausting day than yesterday, and were back at our mum's house before it got dark.
After our meal and viewing Winterwatch on BBC, we looked through a few old family photo albums from the 1960's and 70's, which was entertaining, but also poignant.
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