Allotment jumble

Following on from last week’s boat jumble I give you “allotment jumble” as seen today in mono owing to the leaden skies.

I think allotments can look very untidy and higgledy-piggledy especially in winter when there’s no greenery to disguise the plots. And anyway, most allotmenteers are of the make do, mend, scavenge and repurpose persuasion! I certainly am.

This morning I collected a whole estate car full of cardboard for the plot. I laid much of it down and covered it with some 10 barrowloads of mulch. Still more cardboard needed, overall I’ve 42 square metres of soil to cover and I’ve enough cardboard for 3/4 of that.

I’ve now moved about a tonne of the mulch. It’s 60 paces to my plot from the mulch bag and 60 paces back. A tonne and a half still to go and I may need more to finish off.

We joined the air fryer revolution today with the delivery of a Ninja Mutant Turtle appliance. Looking forward to using it.

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