Blizzard approaching or

is it?

When I look at the rain radar it only shows a massive cloud formation moving north, missing us completely. But I can't see if there's another one coming after that one. It only shows me the forecast until 1 am. And on the hourly forecast it's still showing a blizzard for us too. I hope it passes us completely. Not feeling the snow shoveling at all.

My knee has been better until 4 pm. Then the pain came back. I was able to take another pill around 8 pm, which I did, but it's still hurting quite a lot. I was actually able to sleep on my sides last night. The last month or so I've only been able to sleep on my back, because my knee has to be straight. I was hoping some side sleeping action for tonight too, but it might not happen. Sleeping on my side is my normal position to sleep.

I've been so sleepy all day. Don't know if it's due to this new medicine or what. My stomach is reacting to it. Happens a lot. And is the reason why I try to avoid unnecessary medication. This one has horrible side-effects when I read the list. They always scary me even if I understand that they are very very rare.

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