
By ayearinthelife

Cold As Ice

As forecast, temperatures plummeted last night. Thankfully, most of the snow had melted before the freezing temperatures arrived so we were able to get out again this morning. A lot of icy patches on the roads on our estate, but nothing serious enough to make driving a problem, and it was all clear once we got down into town. We stocked up on a few essential supplies at the supermarket (just in case we have more bad weather in the next week or so) and treated ourselves to a coffee and a toastie at Costa, as I had a money off food voucher that needed using.
But my car remained resolutely at the bottom of the drive and, because the temperature never rose above zero all day, I was able to get a picture of the interesting patterns that had formed in the ice on the roof.
Big shock of the day was the sale of a porcelain figurine I’d listed on eBay almost a year ago. In fact, I’d forgotten I’d listed it, it was so long ago! Nevertheless, a sale is a sale so I packed and sent it straight away. I don’t have a good experience with couriers and fragile objects but I’ve used copious amounts of bubble wrap and two stout boxes - one inside the other.
But just to be on the safe side, I paid the extra 62p for full compensation cover!

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