Katherine & Fresh Streams Conference

Good day - was heading up to Swanwick for a conference so met Katherine and baby Ezra in Derby on my way up.

Then got a bus to Swanwick (spent whole time being chatted up by a slightly drunk man telling me his life story and trying to get me to give him my number (!) - thankfully he didn’t get off at my stop - and was pretty harmless I think - just lonely!).

First two talks have been very good in my opinion - first one by Lynn Green (General Secretary of the Baptist Union) (you can watch the talk - Mum?, if you forward to 1 hour 20 on this link and then second talk from a guy called Cris Rogers (also good in my opinion and can be viewed here if you forward to about 45 mins in) who is a vicar on an estate in London but was at one point youth worker at at Michael’s boldmere!

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