Lle storio

Lle storio ~ Storage space

“Man is so made that he can only find relaxation from one kind of labor by taking up another.”
― Anatole France

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Rydyn ni nawr wedi gorffen y llyfr diweddaraf (wel, mae'n gyda rhywun arall nawr)   ac rydym wedi addo rhywfaint o amser i ffwrdd i ni ein hunain. Roedd heddiw roedd heddiw i fod yn ddiwrnod o ymlacio ond tacluson ni'r llofft yn lle ...

Un o'n ffrindiau yn eithaf crwydrol - rhwng Cymru, Nepal ac Awstralia. Does dim lle i alw 'adref' gyda hi ar hyn o bryd. Rydyn ni wedi bod yn storio ei heiddo am fisoedd nawr, a gydag ein heiddo hefyd, roedd y llofft wedi mynd yn anhrefnus.  Heddiw gwnaethon ni sgwrsio gyda hi - mae hi yn Nepal ar hyn o bryd - ar Whatsapp. Mae'n teimlo eithaf hudolus i sgwrsi fel 'na. Roedd fel hi oedd yn yr ystafell gyda ni. Beth bynnag, cytunodd hi i ni i roi ei holl bethau ar ben draw'r llofft i wneud mwy o le. Felly dyna beth wnaethon ni heddiw.

... Ond yfory, efallai, byddan ni'n ymlacio.

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We've now finished the latest book (well, it's with someone else now) and we've promised ourselves some time off. Today was supposed to be a day of relaxation but we tidied up the loft instead...

One of our friends is quite nomadic - between Wales, Nepal and Australia. There is no place to call 'home' with her at the moment. We've been storing her things for months now, and with ours too, the loft had become a mess. Today we chatted with her - she is currently in Nepal - on Whatsapp. It feels quite magical to chat like that. It was like she was in the room with us. Anyway, she agreed for us to put all her things at the far end of the loft to make more room. So that's what we did today.

... But tomorrow, perhaps, we will relax.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Pethau wedi'u storio yn y llofft (hidlydd picsel dŵr)
Description (English): Things stored in the loft (waterpixel filter)

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