What A View

No wonder the pigeons like to hangout up here!
(It's not my view by the way...it's from the top of another apartment in Bangkok.)

Most of the pigeons who used to think my balcony would make a good home have found other places to live. (Maybe here...I think it would be my choice!) As instructed by my landlord, I've been "mean" to them by knocking on the window or opening the door any time they come to rest on our railing. They've gotten the idea that people who pay more rent than they do have moved in, so they need to find another place to call home.

The only exception is the momma bird with nest her two eggs behind the air conditioning unit. They will get free rental grace until they are big enough fly away.

Looking off the other side of the building, you can see more of the downtown skyscrapers, but I like the openness and color of this direction. The orange lines in the middle are the giant cranes of the boat shipping yard. The green, well, a lot of it is planted intentionally. The rest grows on its own, one of the pluses to living in a tropical climate!

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