
By Hamp5on

View from the wall

A productive morning prepping for Friday's Deep Dive session on 'Belonging'. Something that blew my mind today was discovering (via a podcast) that the words freedom and friendship in English have the same etymological root as the Sanskrit word beloved. I feel like there's a huge amount to unpack there and to mull over... Highly recommend this conversation with Mia Birdsong on belonging and freedom...it's given me a lot to think about. 
This morning I also made walnut macarons in advance of a mini birthday celebration for Sarah's 75th tomorrow. Went on a prayer walk too (where the blip was taken, Sa Penya is tucked into the bottom of the wall on the righthand side) and saw a friend who's living on the streets. He's got a horribly infected mouth, so got him salt water to keep swilling it and made him some easy to eat pasta dishes as he was starving. It was good to see him, but sad too, he's really gone downhill in the last 12 months or so. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A chat with my sister - it's her youngest 6th birthday today.
2) Nate being back at school and healthy.
3) That 'wow' moment I had today via Mia Birdsong's podcast.

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