A Chilly Robin

Quick and chilly blip!
Early start, surprising snow 
and friendly Robin :-)

Up at 5:30am to take Mr KCNQ2Haiku to the station, I was not expecting a blanket of snow!  The roads were OK though, so it worked out fine.  I enjoyed taking Leo for his early walk at 6:30am, it was still dark and there were no footprints in the snow but a trail of teeny paw marks that I presume were fox prints.  Leo was just taking it all in (extra).  He was so little last time it snowed, it was fun to watch him try to make sense of it :-)
Ben went to school OK and I walked Leo around the brook, he was leaping up to the top of walls we passed, trying to get to the snow!  Washed his paws off when we got home and a shopping delivery arrived and needed putting away.  I made batch of spag bol for the boys and did a few emails.  I had some homework from the parenting course I'm doing on Thursdays.  One aspect was 'what 3 things have I done for myself this week', I picked.. daily journalling, taking my camera on a snowy walk and Friday's lunch with Mr KCNQ2Haiku.  That actually sounds like quite a good week when you write it down :-)  I took Leo for a quick 'wee' walk, which ended up being a 'see the neighbours and have a lot of treats' walk.  Leo was OK with it.  I had a catch up with Ben's play therapist who is ending sessions after quite a long stretch and then it was time to fetch Ben.  
Now it's change bedclothes, feed boys (including dog), bath, bed etc 
Hope Tuesday is good for all :-)

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