Watch the red light!

Despite being -2C I did go for a planned swim this morning, only 5 others there.  It was not too cold in the water or the changing rooms.

This afternoon I went to KingstonHospital Eye Unit for laser treatment on my eyes, for glaucoma. My father had it and ai have been monitored for several years. This is the later machine that the registrar used…you had to look at the little red light which she moved around while zapping around each eye for about five minutes on each. The machine is apparently less than a year old, very different from the optical camera I blipped two days ago! 
 I was impressed by the efficiency of all the staff and was there for only about two hours( it said on the letter to be prepared to be there for 3 hours) …nurse check first to put in drops, wait, laser treatment, wait, collect drops from dispensary, wait, final check. Hoping it will be successful otherwise I will have to put in drops every day. Eyes feeling rather weary but vision not really blurred which I had expected.

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