TaTs - dawg & stuff

By tinksandtonks

16/01/2024_and they’re back.

So, as I Blipped on 2nd of January two OpenReach vehicles arrived.

3 men read the notice on the pole, cordoned off the path, removed the notice, sprayed some white hieroglyphs, removed the fence and left.
The rain later that day washed away the marks.

This morning one truck arrived, the path was cordoned off, a hole was dug, a cone was put over it and a warning put in place and then they left.
I guess that means we will get another visit and that’s why phone bills are so high.

In other news – I spent hours at the hospital while Graham had tests on his heart. They are treating it as atrial fibrillation for now until he has follow up tests.
Then we had a lovely pub lunch.

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