Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

School run

Our daughter dropped the boys off this morning, Caleb happy to go to school, Austin poorly so spent the day with me at home.

Got to school early (to get a parking space and less stress).and whilst waiting thought I’d take a shot if the lovely big trees around the school edge - Caleb decided to photo bomb …..  

Austin spent the day on the settee, not got much appetite and needed a lot of encouragement to drink,  Regukar Cakpol to bring down a temperature.  He is full of cold.  

Collected Caleb after school, Austin was so happy to see him, they had 15 mins of madness (loud, being silky), then settled down to playing together nicely until mummy arrived.

After the boys had left, quick tea and then off to lace class.


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