The Joy Of Snow

Today we had finally snow.
My Hanulli kids were excited and they were very busy building a giant snow man dog. Carlos was very impressed and even Caspar had a look at it after he returned from his walk. (first extra)
As always he started to play like a maniac when he finally returns into the garden. Than he is finished with "good behaviour on the leash" ;-)
Obviously he loved the snow, too! (second extra)

Reminder: The tag for TiPS,  the stage for stories about the adventures of all kinds of tiny figures is TiPS2024. Share your creative entries with other lovers of tiny people  and have fun :-D

The lenses of the replaced camera of my mobile work well now.
But after many different tries we had to realise, that we couldn't reconstitute the backup. All my data are gone in an unknown space (all WhatsApp chats, notes, tasks, contacts, a diary, games, everything).
Perhaps a new start is a chance...  :-/

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