
First, thank you for lots of lovely reactions to my yesterblip. Much appreciated. I think the gorgeous yellow and white flowers that Family B gave me will provide more than one blip. Today it seemed a shame to lose their vibrant colour for a Mono Monday blip, but I selected just one bloom and applied a conté crayon arty effect filter. Thanks to steveng for hosting the challenge.

(My daughter actually took the photo in my Extras, but couldn't resist sharing as TYM actually kept the crown-hat on his head for a short time before pulling it off!)

Spent the day chez Family B, though I wasn't much use to them. I had another migraine aura that did develop into a headache this time. I'm sure a flash of the low, bright sun through the window was the trigger. So annoying! However, as both boy and mother had a nap, so did I, and it seemed to take the worst away. 

By the time little Miss B came home from school, I was fit enough to bake scones with her, though I did forget the sugar! Hope they're still edible. Meanwhile, I've kept dozing off all evening so not looking forward to tonight in case I end up lying awake for hours on end. 

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