It’s not so long ago that we used to go to a hotel on the Paliki peninsula in Cephalonia which was owned and managed by a wonderful artist. I have several of her prints dotted about the flat. Nearly all feature water, this one is called "Dementia" and has been selected for Explore This! an online exhibition.
The artwork, which popped up on social media this morning, is a visualisation of the confusion and memory loss caused by dementia. It works as an allegory: the spade in the sea represents the things that remain known and recognisable in the chaotic environment of the patient’s mind represented as the sea.
The Baltic cold continues and I ran in the gym, somewhere in the Rhineland which wasn’t very interesting but at least I can still do it after almost 2 weeks of inactivity.
And now another excellent Zoom Roadshow with Naturetrek to look forward, the Brazilian Pantanal and the possibility of jaguars.
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