
By Shugs

Monkeys Wedding

A local colloquialism describing a downpour when the sun is shining. This time it didn’t just chuck it down, but had some large hailstones to add to the mix.

Fortunately it hit on the drive home from a walk with the pooches and was already waining when we got home.

A frustrating day for Arnie when he was told that the earliest appointment available with the preferred gastroenterologist is 13 February, the very day he is supposed to be flying to Scotland. Our doc is doing what he can to get him seen earlier as he certainly cannot travel with his current energy levels. An iron count of 3.8 compared to the minimum acceptable level of 11.6 is taking its toll.

Hopefully the shot of cortisone he had today will reduce the frequency of headaches that he is experiencing.

Keeping everything crossed for better news tomorrow.

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