Cerddwch nawr, gweithiwch yn hwyrach

Cerddwch nawr, gweithiwch yn hwyrach ~ Walk now, work later

To walk we have to lean forward, lose our balance, and begin to fall. We let go, constantly, of the previous stability, falling, all the time, trusting we will find a succession of new stabilities with each step. The fullest living is a constant dying of the past, enjoying the present fully, but holding it lightly; letting go without clinging, and moving freely into new experiences. Our experience of the past and of those dear to us is not lost at all, but remains richly within us.
― Robin Skynner

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Rydyn ni wedi bod yn treulio ein hamser yn gweithio ar ein cyfrifiaduron trwy'r dydd a ddim yn edrych i fyny tan mae'n mynd yn dywyll. Heddiw penderfynon ni fynd allan tra roedd yr haul yn disgleirio, ac yn gweithio yn hwyrach.

Mwynheuon ni daith cerdded fyr o gwmpas ein milltir sgwâr ar hyd y rheilffordd ac yn rownd yn ôl i'n cartref - yn barod i weithio. Roedd e'n dda iawn i wedi bod allan.

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We have been spending our time working on our computers all day and not looking up until it gets dark. Today we decided to go out while the sun was shining, and work later.

We enjoyed a short walk around our square mile along the railway and round back to our home - ready to work. It was very good to have been out.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Heulwen ac awyr las ger y trac rheilffordd wedi'i drydaneiddio
Description (English): Sunshine and blue sky by the electrified railway track

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