Another Very Chilly Day

But the temperature rose to a toasty 24F/-4.4C this afternoon. And tomorrow a wee bit higher yet. Mexico is beckoning me!!

My ex asked if I'd like to go for a drive - he's an excellent driver and has the Lexus version of a Land Cruiser which is a remarkable vehicle. I was antsy from cabin fever so we actually went to Home Depot to get something he needed. There weren't a lot of folks out driving, but the roads weren't bad since it's so cold...not their usual messy, slushy, slippery after-storm selves. 

We stopped by the spot where Rock Creek (our neighborhood is named after the creek) goes underneath Highway 26, more commonly (and quaintly) called "The Sunset Highway" since it heads due west towards the ocean. It's just a 5 minute walk from my house. This isn't a particularly interesting shot, but you can see the Rock Creek Trail on the left and the Creek on the right. This is the creek that winds through my golf course (The Rock Creek Country Club) and is the recipient of many, many golf balls. Probably thousands. It's a wonder that there's any water left at all ;-)

Mr WK still has no power at his house at the beach and was running out of gas for the generator. His truck was covered with an inch of ice and he couldn't siphon any gas out of it. Fortunately he has a tenant who, last I knew, was able to drive to the gas station. This all just reminds me of just how fortunate I am to live where I do. My son's power is back on, but internet out. 

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