Sweet Pea . . . Tommie Roe

We went out to the orchard and bought white and yellow peaches, raspberries and we couldn't resist the plump cherries.  The sweet peas in the garden are flowering and I put them in these test tube vases I got for Christmas.  They even came with a mini bottle brush to clean the tubes.  
This could also be titled kitchen clutter. 
Our visitors arrived and we have had good conversation and laughter.  They are going to start an eight  night, guided four wheel drive adventure down the centre of the South Isand,  Participants use their own vehicals but accomodation and meals are provided and of course access to backcountry farm roads.  Iconic scenery off the main highways.  It sounds just our thing so we will be looking  up the website.  
Robyn was my senior teacher when I worked and we were the same year group at Teachers College.  She taught both my children so there is a lot of history.  She was good for my self esteem by exclaming positively about my photos on the walls.   

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