...and also a voice to be part of the Worship Group in our Church.  

I think I may have mentioned that I was going back into the Worship Group for this morning’s service at GHBC and it was so good to be back.  I knew all the songs - but at the practice on Wednesday had no idea of the key in which we were singing them - but I don’t think God minds - as long as we are making a joyful noise.  In fact, a couple of them were rather low for me, who normally sings high soprano, but all went well.

It was rather a rush because Mr. HCB and I and two friends, Gill and John, were on coffee this morning, so having got there early, I left them to get on with the sorting out of cups, coffee machines and teapots and went in for a quick practice before the service.

They managed very well, especially as it was Gill and John’s first time, but the only trouble with being in the kitchen is that you don’t get that much chance to speak to many people after the service.  

I had hoped to get a shot of everyone’s hands as they were playing, but Matt, at the top left, was speaking to someone after the service and I didn’t like to interrupt them.

However, I managed to get a shot of Femi, playing the drums, Joanna on the grand piano, Luke on the bass guitar (I think) and Alison playing the French horn.  Obviously I couldn’t take a selfie whilst singing - not quite the done thing!  However, I decided that I would take a screenshot from the service, which is broadcast on Facebook, so you can see me - in the bright pink gilet at the front, together with all the other members of the Worship Group and you can even see the back of Mr. HCB’s head - he is wearing the blue striped jumper in the middle background.

It was an excellent service with a great sermon and so good to be with God’s people, worshipping and learning both from the sermon and chatting with friends afterwards.  Looking forward to the various meetings with Church friends for coffee this week too.  I have a telephone physiotherapy appointment on Tuesday with a Women’s Health physiotherapist - and it's not a video call either - so that will be interesting!  

Hope you have a great week whatever you are doing - you may need to wrap up really warm if what the Met Office is telling us comes true - Mr. HCB can’t wait for the snow, and although I don’t mind the cold, I would rather not have any of the white stuff!

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