Crystal Tipps
Hi Symon, sorry I've not been in touch for ages but I've been really busy at work & having lots of fun at home.
Workwise it's been agreed that I will be staying in People Development, so at least I know that I'm settled now.
Haven't seen or heard from Simon or Saranna for ages. Peter sent a funny e-mail the other day but I've not had a chance to reply yet.
Saw Jill for lunch yesterday. She is looking really good & is having a great time being a Fire Lady!!!!! She is based along the road from SL House at Tollcross. She says it's been hard work but that she is enjoying it. Although her training has finished the first 2 years are classed as a probationary period so she has to sit exams throughout that time. She was asking after everyone & has said that if you are having a welcome home party that she will try and come.
Are you still abroad or are you both home?
Homewise - well we've been through the wars again!!! We had a flood at home on Halloween of all days, 4.40am!!! Graham woke up thinking it was morning and that it was really heavy rain outside. He got up to go to the loo & preceeded to get drowned. Graham's Mum had to come & collect Sam while we stayed in the house trying to contact our so-called 24hr insurance helpline!!!! Needless to say we didn't manage to get through to anyone until 8.30am.
Looks like we'll be out the house for approx 8-12 weeks while they dry it out & the builders do there stuff. Luckily we didn't lose much in the way of personal stuff - it was mainly the carpets and walls that have been damaged. The builder also thinks that we may need a new ceiling in our bedroom, the upstairs hall & possibly the dowmstars hall. Oh what fun, so that means we won't be at home for Santa coming.
We're staying in temporary accomodation, a 3 bedroomed bungalow in Armadale not far from home.
We've also invested in pushbikes!! Yip you read that right - Graham persuaded me to get a bike so that we could go on family cycles at the weekend. I'm still not convinced about this - exercise & me don't normally mix, although I am still going to the gym once a week - that's been since March. Haven't really noticed a big difference though - maybe I need to workout harder!
Hope your both well.
Let me know when your back in Sunny Scotland & if your having a welcome home party.
We're pretty busy in December & January, my 1st Christmas Night out is with Graham's work at the Dalmahoy Golf & country Club on 8/12, then Ion 18/12 'm off to the Lyceum to see Beauty & The Beast with my work. We're taking Sam to see Peter Pan on Christmas Eve - she doesn't know anything about it, so it will be great to see her face.
Then Christmas Day at Graham's mums.
We're off to Kingsmeadows for the Hogmanay week so we're looking forward to that and we're off out on Hogmanay with the family.
Then in January Sam & I are going =o see the Nutcracker & Swan Lake - she doesn't know about these either as they are both Christmas Pressies.
Anyway best be off just now, Graham made me a cup of tea ages ago & it's probably cold by now.
Take care, love to Caro, hope to hear from you soon.
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