Christmas Books

I was in denial that it was back to work today (and back to school for BB).  I decided to work from home, to break myself in gently.  I made sure I was up in good time to fit in a pre-work walk.  I headed out in the dark only to discover it had rained on ice and the pavements were treacherous in places.  Not ideal, but I made it round my usual route, though some of it had to be walked on the road.
It was home for breakfast and to log on to my laptop, while BB was still getting ready for school – and not finding everything he needed.  There was some ill temper.  I let it wash over me, and started to attack my in box.  The good thing is that there have been a number of public holidays and lots of people off on leave, so  there weren’t as many emails as there would have been at any other holiday period.  It still took me a while to catch up – especially as the issue that I was advising on last week, was still waiting to be sorted out – and was for me to sort out today.  Which I did.
I didn’t manage a walk till early afternoon, but was determined to get away from my laptop for half an hour.  I had planned to finish early but a colleague called me about a couple of things quite late on and I helped him sort them out. 
I rustled up some pasta for tea – though BB wanted scrambled eggs on toast before he went to football training, which I didn’t mind making for him.  TT dropped him off and we then ate.
Later I went out for the rest of my steps.  It didn’t seem as cold as it had been earlier in the day.
Back to work on a cold and grey day did not offer up any blip opportunities, so here is my Christmas book pile.  I am already well through the top book.

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