At the Lavender Farm

My cousin got three tickets to visit the NZlaverder show. She has been having trouble with a sore shoulder and has been having some acupuncture. She was asked if she would like to go to the open day. I used to see the husband for my accupuctue. He retired and I saw his wife for a while. 

 In this postcard Jon the Accupucturist I used to go who owns this organic lavender farm was working in the fields. He came over to have a chat with us. Jon did remember me and wanting me to take some photos of him. He is top left in this collage. My cousin is in the top right and me, bottom left. My cousin's husband took the photo of me. 

While we were at the farm it wasn't too hot with around 23c. As we were heading back to Christchurch the winds seem to pick up along with the temperatures. It had reached 29c by the time I arrived home. So pleased we went first thing in the morning.

Here is some information on the organic farm NZlaverder.

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